Services - What We Do

We provide our customors with engineering support worldwide while promoting mission success. This is accomplished by rapidly supplying personnel and equipment to CONUS and OCONUS working environments.

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Converged Network

With a focus on analyzing customer needs and system functionality, ISS systems engineers take a holistic view of lifecycle requirements, designing solutions that both test results and ensure all requirements have been met.


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Cyber Security

Certified in Information and Cyber Security, ISS security experts utilize Vulnerability Management and Remediation tools, as well Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, to ensure clients are in compliance with FISMA, DITSCAP, and DIACAP regulations.


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Software Engineering

Utilizing industry best practices, our highly experienced development teams provide customers with robust data modeling, software architecture and design products, while integrating, operating, designing, maintaining, and securing software systems in order to meet our clients’ IT missions and needs.


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Information Assurance

Potential security risks and vulnerabilities are identified by our IA experts—all highly trained in DoD IT Security DITSCAP and DIACAP processes—to ensure network safety. Risks are further mitigated through plans developed through Vulnerability Assessments and Threat Analyses.


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Systems Integration

With decades of experience, our system integrators seamlessly link disparate software applications and computing systems into one platform. Our engineers, both platform and technology-agnostic, allow us to evolve and scale solutions as new technologies emerge.


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IT Infrastructure

From routers and switches to encryption equipment and servers, ISS engineers have extensive experience designing and installing network and infrastructure. After an initial analysis of client IT requirements, ISS works with our customers to meet IT mission needs.


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Help Desk and User Support

ISS provides Tier I through Tier III Help Desk and User Support for hardware, software, and peripheral devices, placing certified engineers at the right level: with senior engineers where you need them most, making ISS both more responsive and cost effective than our competitors.


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Our engineers stay on the cutting-edge of DoD Network-Centric warfare technologies, ensuring clients’ senior leadership is informed when making decisions concerning network architecture and design.


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Program Management

Through a breadth of cross-functional program management skills—including setting productivity objectives, maintaining regulatory compliance, and implementing budget controls—our program managers ensure a seamless integration of program delivery and quality control that meets mission goals, improves synergy, and cultivates new and existing relationships with vendors and customers.


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ISS trainers provide a range of goal- oriented, hands-on training solutions designed to meet customer mission requirements, including virtual classrooms, online training sessions, course development, and CD and DVD training.


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